Friday, November 8, 2013

I'd love to see you again!

I am having problems using blogger lately so I would like to invite you to visit me at my original site

Ginny Lennox - Special Moments In Time   I would love to have you visit.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Procrastinate or Percolate

Every time I look at the picture about I think about how I could use it as a reference photo for something that I create.  I could use it as a scene in a story.  It could be a reference photo for something that I paint or it could bcome part of a collage that shows many of the beautiful islands that we have visited over the years.  Am I procrastinating or percolating?  It really helps to know the difference.

I always thought that I was a procrastinator.  My husband would often ask in frustration, "Why do you wait until the last minute?"  And he was right.  I did wait until the last minute.  But I knew that was when I did my best work.  If I finished early, I would go over and over my project, until I was finally finished - yes, that's right - right before the project was due.  Now, I know that I was percolating an idea which for me is an important part of my creative process.  I like to think about the project.  I like to imagine what it will look like and what steps I will take to complete the story or painting.  I love to do research before I begin and to talk to others about what I am planning.  Then when the time is right, I begin, I work, I create, I revise and I celebrate the completion of something that I have been thinking about for a long time.

Procrastination is normal for many people.  I procrastinate sometimes.  Usually, it is when I am afraid I don't know what I am doing.  Instead of working, I call friends, browse through blogs, go for coffee, walk the dog, etc.  I'm not thinking about what I am going to work on when I am procrastinating but rather avoiding what I know I have to do.  There is a big difference in the two.  Procrastination is avoiding the creative process, percolating  is thinking about and visualizing what your are going to do before you do it. 

There are many simple ways to overcome procrastination.  Next Wednesday we will explore some of them.  But this week it is important to recognize whether you are percolating or procrastinating.  Awareness is always key to making changes in anything that is standing in your way of building a creative life.  You cannot change something that you are not aware is happening.

Do you procrastinate or percolate?  I would love to hear your thoughts either by leaving a comment or by emailing me at  Hope to hear from you soon!

    Remember:  When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Experience the Unexpected

This morning as I sat down to type I automatically looked at my visionboard which is on the wall in front of me.  I usually start the week with a quote that inspires me but the words on the visionboard seemed to be speaking directly to me.  Experience the Unexpected.  How often are we reminded to Expect the Unexpected?  But I am not sure I have ever been invited to Experience the Unexpected.  Life is always filled with twists and turns but I have decided that this week I will look for and celebrate the unexpected.  It could be a call from a friend I had not heard from in awhile or finding a place to paint that is perfect.  It could be the food I hadn't expected to enjoy or the walk I hadn't expected to take. I want to be fully immersed in the day and see what happens that makes me laugh, or think, or enjoy what I may have overlooked as a really special moment because I wasn't expecting it and than failed to notice it or fully enjoy it.

 I invite you to join me this week as I Experience the Unexpected.  On both Wednesday and Friday I will write about some of the simple things I have experienced this week as a result of not only noticing the unexpected but actually experiencing and enjoying it.  I would love to know what unexpected experiences you are having throughout the week.

Each Wednesday I share a creativity coaching tip.  This Wednesday besides sharing the unexpected experiences I am celebrating, I am going to write about the difference between procrastinating and the percolation of an idea.  I will share tips on when to tell yourself it is time to "Just  do it."   
I hope your will stop by for a visit.

  Remember:  When you share your dreams and talents with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Thursday, October 3, 2013


"To ask, "How do you do it?" is already starting off on the wrong foot.  When reaching for the stars, there does not have to be a how if there is a big enough why."  Criss Jami

I had breakfast the other day with a good friend and we spent a lot of time talking about the importance of knowing why we do something.  We often know what we want to do, or how we are going to do it, but understanding why we are doing it is also very important.  So today I asked myself why I paint and why it is so important to me that I share my work on Paint Party Friday each week.  The answers are really very simple.  I paint because I love to paint.  When I am painting I am in my own little world.  There is nothing to worry about and nowhere to go. It's just me and the canvas.  Time goes quickly and when I am finished I feel good.  I love the feel of putting the paint on the paper and because my work is all about the experience and not the final product I am usually happy with what I have created. 

Now, why is it so important to post on Paint Party Friday each week?  It is all about the connections I have made.  I've met people from all over the world.  I have learned so much because of their willingness to share their work and their process.  I've been encouraged and supported by people I have never met but who I consider friends. It's fun and something I look forward to each week.

The answers to these two questions came quickly and easily but there are other questions that may arise that will not be so easy to answer.  I do think it is important to take a moment to reflect from time to time and ask yourself the question why.  You may be surprised at the answer.

Each Friday I write just a line or two about what I am grateful for each week.  I am so grateful for the conversations I have with friends whether they be online or in person.  These conversations make me laugh, make me think, and help me to understand the everchanging world through someone else's eyes.

How about you?  Why do you paint?

When you share your dreams and talents with the world magic happens.  Let the magic begin!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Introducing Creativity Principle - Lull

For the next eight weeks on Wednesday, I am going to introduce a principle of creativity as I learned it while going through my KMCC training last year.  I've decided to randomly pick a principle (or muse as we called them) and see where my thoughts lead me.  This week I picked the principle of Lull.  There are times in the creative practice when we all need to take a break.  This might mean taking a break from the creative projects you are currently working on or thinking about. Or it could be a time to focus on the power of gratitude to help you recognize all that you have accomplished.  It may be a time to rest and to become inspired again by the people and the world around you.

  When I visualize this quiet time in my creative process,I am usually sitting in my backyard reading and listening to the birds.  I am looking up at the sky and losing myself in the clouds.  If I had a hammock, I would be enjoying it. 

Some ways to spend time in lull are:  daydreaming, doodling, taking a walk lull style, writing down your dreams and sitting and watching the world go by. 

Rather than beginning my post with a quote I thought I would finish by sharing a quote from Rumi.  "You wander from room to room, hunting for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck."  Spending quiet time resting, daydreaming, and just enjoying the quiet will give you the opportunity to find the necklace that has always been there just waiting for you to notice it.

When you share your talent and dreams with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Let the Learning Begin

"Life's challenge's are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are." 
                                                                                                        Bernice Johnson Reagon, Musician

I like to begin the week with a quote that will inspire me in one way or another.  Although I think the quote above applies to what I am about to undertake, it could also apply to much serious challenges.  We have all been through them and when I look back I realize that I have learned alot about myself even if it is in hindsight.

I am about to embark on a technological challenge.  My computer is about to go so I am looking at buying a new one.  I am not easily overwhelmed but I was Friday night as the teenage salesman (who told us he built his first computer at six years old) quickly took me through all of the good and bad parts of each computer.  Then he told me that in October there would be changes and/or updates on everything I had just learned.  Some of the changes would make things easier; some a little more confusing.  So I decided to do what I was going to do anyway, go home and think about it. 

I realize for me it is easy to think "I can't do that" when it comes to anything technological. But I have also learned that "I can do that" if I slow down and take it one step at a time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this computer will last a few weeks longer and that by the time I get a new one I will have already begun to feel a little more comfortable with the adventure that I am about to begin. 

We all are different so you may not be overwhelmed by computers but for you it may be something else.  The Kaizen-Muse Creativity strategy of taking small steps to get past the feeling of being overwhelmed truly works.  So I am going to be small stepping it all the way back to the computer store soon.  Wish me luck!

 Have a great week and remember:

  When you share your dreams and talents with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Friday, September 27, 2013

It's Good To Be Back

                 "What day is it?" "It's today," squeaked Piglet. "My favorite day," said Pooh.

It is good to go away and it is always good to be back home.  Last week I had a wonderful time at the Jersey shore visiting my sister and her family.  Sometimes on vacation everything seems to go right and this was one of those times. We saw a play in New York, sat on a very windy beach, walked the boardwalks, visited a beautiful sculputure garden, and saw high school football and middle school softball games.  Time went quickly and before I knew it I was boarding a plane for home.

This week its been hard getting back into a normal routine but I am slowly easing my way back.  I wrote a little and played with my pastels.  The garden we visited was filled with sculptures of artists and victorian ladies and gentlemen.  It was like being in a different time and a different world.  And that is what painting can do for me.  It can transport me to another time and another place. I realized last week that I missed painting and so I am determined to paint more. 

This week I am very grateful for a wonderful vacation.  It has been awhile since I have been able to go away which is why I am sure that I enjoyed every single minute and did not take anything for granted.  Learning to live in and appreciate the moment is not always easy but it definitely is worth the effort.

Remember:  When you share your talent and your dreams with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin

Sunday, September 15, 2013



                               "Believe there are no limits but the sky"  Cervantes

As I begin my new venture into art journaling I realize that my Kelly Rae Roberts journal is filled with quotes about dreaming. The paper I have on my desk is a reminder to dream and a sign in my dining room reminds me every time I walk through to dream.  I do believe in the power of  dreaming and of dreaming big.  I believe that we can accomplish anything if we can dream it, visualize it, and then put in the time and the work to make it happen.  I am working with friends to create a workshop called Unleashing Your Creativity.  It is taking time, lots of time, to get the word out but we are hoping to bring together people who have a dream and want to unleash their creativity.  It's a dream of mine to bring people together  who love to draw or write or sing or create in whatever way their heart speaks to them. I realize that most of you are not in Woodstock Georgia but I would love to have your visit our website  It would be so great to see this dream become a reality and I know that with the help of my friends around the world it can. 

Have a wonderful week, dream big, and always remember:

 When you share your talent and your dreams with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Do You Believe In Magic?

WIP Pastels on Pastelboard
Do I believe in magic?  Maybe.  I want to.  Whenever I look at the sky at night with all of the stars twinkling, it seems magical. When I am painting a picture and I plan on spending just a few minutes to get started and before I know it the afternoon is gone - it seems like magic!  I love the feeling of being so totally immersed in something that I don't hear the dogs barking, the phone ringing, or the television calling my name. It is as though someone has cast a magical spell over me and for a few hours nothing exists except my painting.  So I am going to have to change my answer. Yes, I do believe in magic!  It's wonderful, it's powerful, and it does exist every time I begin to create something new.  How about you?  Do you believe in magic?

It's Friday time to share what I am grateful for this week.  There are so many things to be grateful for this week but especially my husband's continuing good health. His experience reminds us every day that you can never take anything for granted and that you should never stop believing that things can improve. We just read the other day that they may have found something that could reverse his rare lung condition.  It didn't say when or exactly how but there is a chance which is incredible since just a few years ago many doctors did not even know the disease existed.  So I guess this is another good reason to believe in magic with a big dose of miracles and persistance and knowledge mixed in.

  When you share your gifts and talents with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday's Quote and Reflection

"When I say artist I mean the one who is building things...some with a brush - some with a shovel - some choose a pen."
                                                                                                                                          Jackson Pollock

When I meet people for the first time they often ask me what I do.  When I say creativity coach they do not completely understand what that means which then leads to a discussion about creativity which then leads to them saying," Oh well, I am not creative like my sister or best friend, etc."   This leads to an interesting conversation about all of the things they experience and do each day that are creative.  Sometimes I can see a glimmer of excitement in their eyes as they leave with a new found understanding that they too are creative and other times I see that the belief that they are not creative goes deep and will take awhile to change.

I have always wanted people to understand how creative they are.  I believe when we see ourselves as creative it opens up a whole new world that is just waiting to be explored.  We are more willing to try new things, to ask ourselves "what if?" and then take the step to see what will happen if we paint the room purple rather than white, move the furniture in a way that the decorators would laugh at, or plant the flowers that everyone said would never grow.  Each time we try something new and it works, our confidence grows.  Each time we try something new and we fail, we learn something.  We can't lose because we are always going to learn and grow.

Today's quote has inspired me to remember that I am an artist because I build things.  I have built a home filled with love, friendships that have lasted a lifetime, a career that is constantly changing, and a marriage that has lasted 46 years and is still going.  I am beginning to build confidence in my art and my writing.  It is often hard to share our accomplishments but it is very important to remember who we are and what we have done.  Take a minute today to remember what you have built!
When you share your talents and dreams with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

5 Ps and a S

Each Friday I share what I am grateful for.  Today I am grateful for some thoughts I had the other night while sleeping.  It helped clarify some important concepts for me and clarity is always something to be grateful for.

The other morning I woke up with the words passion, positivity, and persistance on my mind.  I quickly wrote them down determined to figure out what I had been thinking about as I slept.  At breakfast I told my husband that I must have been thinking about what I believe you must have to be successful in any project.   With this in mind, I decided to add two more P words practice and patience as well as S for support to my recipe for success.  When I look at the things that I have accomplished in my life they all have these attributes as part of the recipe.  They may be there in different amounts or at different times but they have all been there.  I have had to have passion to start and to keep me going.  I've been persistent and didn't take no for an answer. I've practiced and then practiced some more. I've remembered to be positive even when I felt down. I have always tried to be patient (not easy) and wait for things to turn out as the should. And none of the above would have been possible without the support of others.  When I learned to ski at 50 they were there, when I decided to lose a large amount of weight they were there, when I started painting or began a second career they were there, and now that I am slowly, very slowly, learning to drive a motorcycle they are definitely there. 

When I get discouraged, as we all do from time to time, I am going to see which P or S is missing that day. As I begin to work on a new subject to paint, or class to teach, I am going to be sure that the 5 Ps and a S are there to keep me going.  When I look at the painting above I know that for me the ingredients for creating something that I like have all been a part of the experience. I know it will be helpful to have the words Passion, Persistence, Practice, Positivity, Patience, and Support as guides whenever I am working on something new and/or challenging.  How about you?  Would the 5 Ps and a S help you reach your goal?  Would they help you to evaluate what might be missing in the project you are working on? Feel free to use them or share what your guideposts might be. 

As a creativity coach I am always trying to find ways to help clients evaluate where they are with their own projects and dreams.  It is one of my passions.  Are you ready to start something new?  Let's talk and make sure that you have all of your Ps and the very important  S in place ready to go. You can contact me here.  I'd love to talk to you.

   Remember  When you share your dreams and talents with the world, magic happens Let the magic begin!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday's Quote and Inspiration

"You may not be a Picasso or a Mozart but you don't have to be to create.  Just create to create.  Create to remind yourself that you are alive. Make something to inspire others to make something too.  Create to learn more about yourself."   Frederick Terral

Each Sunday I post a quote that I hope will inspire me and others throughout the week to live a life filled with creativity.  This quote was perfect for me to read today.  It was as if it was written just for me. I have been thinking a lot about my blog and why I write.  Before reading the above quote I had come to the conclusion that I blog to connect with others. I love meeting people from all over the world and learning about their creative lives. I love going on studio tours, seeing what is on an artist or writer's desk, and seeing their work.  I learn so much from the tutorials that are shared, the words that are written, and the paintings that are created.

But I realize that I blog for another reason as well. I would love to inspire others to continue creating just as they have been an inspiration for me.  I've learned so much from the encouragement and support that bloggers have offered me and I want to pass that kindness on.  So when I read, "You don't have to be a Picasso or a Mozart to create." it was as though a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulder this morning.  I tend to get into my head a little too much and worry about whether what I share is good enough.  But maybe the fact that I am willing to share what I have created will inspire others to continue to do the same. As Einstein said, "Creativity is contagious.  Pass it on."   I hope you will continue to pass on all of the wonderful things that you have created each week.  It makes the world a much more beautiful place for all of us.

   When you share your dreams and talents with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Friday's Special Moment of Gratitude

This week I spent time playing with my pastels. There was not set agenda other than to take out the chalk and make marks.  When I did this it took me back to my early days in the classroom.  That was a long time ago when manipulatives first came into favor.  When we brought the new math manipulatives into the room we spent several weeks just playing with them. Only when the newness wore off and the kids could really start to pay attention on how to use them were specific strategies taught. 

I realized recently that I have not given myself permission to play in a long time.  I reminded myself that by not giving myself time to play with my pastels, and to learn how they feel and what they can do, I have missed a lot of fun and I am sure a lot of important information.  So I have decided to start over and look at my adventure with pastels as if it was just beginning.  I am going to create one small piece a day and see what happens. I am going to enjoy myself and play.  As George Bernard Shaw said, "We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."   I think it is definitely time to play!  I would love to have you join me in at least one "play date" this week.

Each Friday I share what I am grateful for.  This week I am very grateful for the time to play! 

When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday's Walk - Act Like A Beginner

Wednesday's Coaching Tip - The next time you feel unsure of how to begin a project or what to do next close your eyes and picture yourself as a beginner having fun.  What do you look like?  What are you doing?  How does it feel?  Then take a deep breath and begin just for a few minutes. See what happens.

There are times when we all are afraid to take that first step.  Beginning something new can be intimidating. But if I give myself permission to just try for a few minutes it makes starting easier.  I also remind myself that making mistakes is a big part of the creative process. Thomas Edison said, "I have not failed.  I've just found ten thousand ways that won't work."

When I first started painting I thought every piece should be a masterpiece. I am not sure why I thought that.  I do not have any formal training and I was supposedly painting for enjoyment.  I realize now that I had not given myself permission to play with the paints and to try things just to see what happened. I had not given myself permission to be a beginner.  Beginning something new can be fun.  Living a full life means trying new things and being a beginner over and over again.  It means making mistakes and learning from them. It means not being afraid to try something new because you might not be perfect. 

Try  something new this week.  It could be a new recipe, a new lipstick, or a new way to comb your hair.  Write or paint for just five minutes, take a picture a day, or walk around your neighborhood going in the opposite direction from what you always do.  See how you feel.  Are you having fun?  Are you letting yourself make mistakes?  Give yourself permission to be imperfect.  As you open yourself up to new experiences notice what amazes you, what inspires you, and what makes you happy.  Have fun and enjoy the moment.  Be a beginner - it's fun!

   When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday's Inspiration

                                         "Creativity is contagious.  Pass it on."  Albert Einstein

I love the idea of creativity being contagious.  I know that being around positive people makes me feel good.  When I am talking with my yoga friends I often feel very relaxed and zen like. And when I am talking to people who recognize how good it feels to express their creative side I want to go home and get out my paints and create something too.  I have not been very disciplined this summer.  I find that I am inspired to create when I go to class regularly and most of my classes have been cancelled for the summer.  But rather than wait for my classes to get started again, I am going to commit to painting each day for ten minutes. I'll paint a quick flower and see what happens.  Several months ago I painted a series of skies and I really enjoyed the structure of knowing what I was going to paint each day. It will be interesting to see if painting flowers each day inspires me like the sky did.  I want this experience to be fun. No expectations except to get back to the joy of  painting on a daily basis. 

Is there something that you have put aside this summer?  Is there something that has been missing and that you would like to get back to?  I'd love to have you join me this week - ten minutes a day of doing something that will make you feel good.  What will it be?

   When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday's Special Moment of Gratitude


   Linking to Paint Party Friday a wonderful place to visit.

I usually end my Friday's post sharing something that I am grateful for experiencing during the week.  Today I wanted to share a note that I received from a friend this week.  We have never met in person but have corresponded through our blogs for many years. We worked together a few weeks ago and then this week she sent this note and said that I could share it in whatever way I saw fit.  It is definitely a testimonial for creativity coaching and for Circle of Dreams but I really think it is so much more.  It is an honest look at what it means to live a creative life.  She happens to be a wonderful writer and photographer but her experience could happen to anyone.  Although she said that it was a rough piece of writing and that I could change whatever I needed to change, I thought it was perfect just the way it was.  I hope that this note will remind you that as creative people living a creative life we all experience some of the same things as we continue on our  journey each day. It is nice to know that we are not alone and that there are people who are there to support our dreams.

This summer has been a challenge for me.  I had lots of personal issues, which took energy to deal with.  Anyway, my creativity went into a deep freeze, even though the temperatures where I live were in the high nineties. 

Then I visited Ginny’s site one day. Ginny is a Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach. I decided to give her a call and find out just what a Creativity Coach is. We set up a session. What I learned via this session was very helpful.

Through our work in that one session, I realized writing, for me, isn’t about the end product as much as the journey. Writing is a place where I step into a whole different world – it is imagination, freedom to play with words and a place where I willingly forget time. 

The core of my session with Ginny was a reminder to listen to my heart when I write. When I’m writing from my heart, I have fun. I’m like a kid who finger-paints. I don’t know where the story will go or how it will end. Instead, I put my fingers into the words, swirl them around and around, letting them join others to make something new.

There’s something in any creative endeavor that defies definition. It’s so much more than the end product. It’s also about the emotional roller-coaster of being creative. I know in my case, this summer I’ve had days when the fingers flew across the keyboard and then days when they hovered and all I could do was stare at the empty white page in front of me.

This brings me to the other lesson I learned from my session with Ginny; the reminder I’m not alone in my creative process. Just talking to her made me feel better. She understood where I was coming from. She made me realize one of greatest resources creative people have is each other, but too often we forget to share the emotional ups and downs of creativity. 

Ginny’s starting a Circle of Dreams group in September. This is opportunity to not only embrace your creative dreams, but also share your doubts. You never know when a gentle nudge, a tiny suggestion or a new way of looking at something may spark your own creativity to new levels.

I was deeply touched by this note.  It is not always easy to talk about the times when we face writer's block or didn't  know what to paint next.  It's not always easy to start a project when you are working alone or to keep going when things seem to be taking longer to get off the ground than you had anticipated.  It does make it easier to know that you are not the only one who struggles from time to time.  As I said in the beginning of this post, I always end my Friday's post with something that I am grateful for.  Today I am very very grateful that a friend took the time to share her journey in order to help me.  That is true friendship and true support!

 When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday's Walk - Learning Something New

Special Moments In Time Creativity Coaching Tip - People often wonder what creativity coaching actually is. Today I would like to share how I am using some of my Kaizen-Muse Coaching strategies and tools to help me as I learn about marketing.  The wonderful thing is that these strategies and tools can be used in every aspect of your life. 

In life we are always learning something new.  Sometimes it is by choice other times it is because of necessity.  I have been emerging myself in something I know I have to learn more about.  I am learning all about the world of marketing.  This is a really uncomfortable area for me but if my business is to grow I need to know how to better share what I do with others  I have been talking to people, researching, reading, and taking tiny steps. I have been applying many of the Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching principles to my current project of learning more about how to let the world know about Special Moments In Time Creativity Coaching.  I have been:

Taking Small Steps -  Right now I am reading about marketing. It is a totally new area for me so I just read a little at a time and give myself the time and space necessary to absorb all that I am learning.

Paying Attention - As I begin to market, I am paying attention to what is working and not working.

Thinking Out of the Box - When something doesn't work, I think out of the box.  I ask myself questions about how I could do this differently.

Having Fun -  Marketing can be difficult but I am determined to have fun doing it.

Giving Myself Permission to Make Mistakes - Although I don't want to make mistakes, I know if I am doing  something new I am going to make mistakes. I am giving myself permission to be imperfect and to mess up from time to time.

"Just Do It"  -  There are times when hitting the post or send button makes me nervous.  I remind myself there are times in life when I Just Have To Do It and see what happens.

Take a Break - Because I am doing what I love I often forget to take a break.  Taking time to do something other than coaching is important and I remind myself often to take a break.  And then I actually take it.

Compassion - It is important to show yourself the same type of compassion that you show to the rest of the world.

Self-Care -  Part of self care is acknowledging what you have accomplished and celebrating the small victories along the way to reaching your goal.  Each day I take a moment to celebrate the things that I have accomplished. 

Surrounding Myself with Positive Supportive People - We all need to surround ourselves with supportive people. It makes trying something new easier and a lot more fun.  I do this in lots of different ways.  It might be coffee with a friend, a conversation with my husband, meeting people through my blog, or taking an art, yoga or writing class.

How many of these things are you already doing ?  Is there one area that you do really well and another that you need to work on?  I would love to know which of the steps above speaks to you today.

Circle of Dreams begins on September 16th.  It is 8 weeks filled with sharing, planning, action steps, and celebrations.  The group is limited to 8 women and will be held through a free teleconference.  You can learn more about Circle of Dreams here.  I would love to have you join us.

When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday's Quote and Reflection

                  "Joy happens when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things are." 
                                                                                                Marianne Williamson, lecturer, author

The pastel above is one that I painted exactly a year ago.  I like to go back and look at my paintings to see if I still enjoy them in the same way.  Some I like more, some less, and others I always feel the same about whenever I look at them.  The painting above is one that I always like.  It was one of the first paintings that I completed that I was really excited about.  I remember sharing it with someone who's opinion I really valued.  They had the training that I lacked and I hoped that they would see what I saw in my painting and be as excited about it as I was. Although they were complimentary, the compliments were lukewarm and the suggestions for improvement came quickly. But what surprised me was that my enthusiasm for the painting didn't change.  I realized that day that even if noone saw what I saw in the painting it would be ok.  The fact that I enjoyed creating it and liked the finished product was enough.

I have learned a lot since that day last year.  I've learned that it is ok if someone does not like my work.  I've learned that although I can take criticism I also like and need support.  I've learned that support can come from people I have never met or from a trusted friend.  I've learned that getting better at my craft takes time and patience and lots and lots of practice. I've learned that when I immerse myself in a project that I love that I lose track of time and everything around me. I agree with Marianne Williamson that "Joy is what happens when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things are."  You could to interpret that to mean how good life is right now, or how good the moment feels, or just how good creating a simple pastel makes you feel.  I hope this week you will take time every day to recognize how good things are and to allow yourself to really feel the joy. 

              When you share your talents and dreams with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

                                                           What brings you joy?

Sunday's Coaching Tip  Surround yourself with supportive positive people.  Pay attention to who brings you joy just by being who they are.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday's Special Moment of Gratitude

I just returned from a great yoga class.  Our instructor received a certification last weekend in Kids' Yoga. The theme for tonight's class was to be free like a child and to enjoy the class. We were encouraged not to worry about whether the pose was correct but to enjoy the pose and the experience.  When I came home I set an intention, as I began to paint, to just have fun.  I wanted to continue the experience of the yoga class and enjoy the feel of the pastels in my hand and on the paper.  I did not use expensive paper, I did not use any particular pastel and I didn't worry about my stroke.  I just enjoyed the moment and guess what -  I like the finished painting.  Amy Grant wrote, "More important than talent, strength, or knowledge is the ability to laugh at yourself and enjoy the pursuit of your dreams."   And Robert Fulghum wrote, "Be aware of wonder.  Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some."  It's important to play. It is important to feel free to experiment and to discover new things.  Play helps you to do just that.  I hope that you will take some time to play this week.  It's fun!

Each Friday I share what what I am grateful for.  This week it is simple.  Normally the temperature in our area in August is from 90-100 degrees.  Today it was 71 with an incredible breeze.  It is amazing how different weather can make you feel. I know that the temperature will go back to normal soon but for now I am enjoying every single minute of this incredible weather.

 When you share your talent and dreams with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

PS  Circle of Dreams begins the last week of September.  If you are interested in talking with a supportive group of women who also have plans and dreams they want to make happen, this is the group for you.  During our eight weeks together we will talk about how to find time for your dreams, the creative process, the importance of self-care, simple but effective strategies to help you when or if you become stuck and much more.  You can read more about Circle of Dreams  or contact me at

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Wednesday's Walk - Aha Moments

True passion is intoxicating and invigorating, soothing and sensous, magical and mystical.  I just thought you should know what you are in for.  -Tazo tea bag:  "Passion"

Aha Moments
can happen anywhere.  They can happen when you are in an incredible environment like the place where I took this picture several years ago. They can happen when you are alone with lots of time to rest and think.  Or an Aha Moment can happen like it did to me yesterday when I was talking with a client on a coaching call and realized how much I loved what I was doing and that no matter how much time or effort it took to make my business grow it didn't matter because it was what I was supposed to do.

I think the most important thing about an Aha Moment is that you pay attention to the moment and how you feel.  It might be a feeling of joy or excitement that tells you that you are on the right track or one of uneasiness or dread that tells you it might be time for a change.  Stop for a minute. Take stock of how you feel  Pay attention to what is inspiring you.  Pay attention to what is giving you energy.  Listen to what your Aha Moment is telling you. You might want to record the moment in your journal or draw a picture that is inspired by the moment. Recording it is a way to help you remember what about that particular moment was important.  Take the time to give your Aha Moment the attention it deserves. 

Each Wednesday I share a coaching tip.  This week I encourage you to listen to what is happening all around you.  What makes your heart sing?  What fills you up with positive thoughts and feelings?  What makes you happy?   Where do your true passions lie?  The more you know yourself the easier life becomes.  Priorities change, decisions become simple, and creating the life you were meant to live becomes simpler when you are fully aware of who you are and what is important to you.  Look for your Aha Moments!  They are there.  You just have to stop and notice them when they happen!

                                 Have you experienced an Aha Moment lately? 

 When you share your dreams and talents with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!
Because of yesterday's Aha Moment I would like to offer a free 45 minute coaching session to the first person who contacts me this week.   We can talk on the phone or Skype whichever you prefer.  You can contact me at   It would be fun to create an Aha Moment for you!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday's Quote and Reflection

           "Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."  Mark Twain

I know I have used this quote before, maybe many times.  But whenever I come across it, it speaks to me.   It reminds me that every day can be beautiful.  It reminds me that every day can be filled with simple pleasures and special moments if we are open to seeing and appreciating them.  It is hard to always remember this with all that is going on around us.  But it is possible to do so if throughout the day we stop and take a minute to look for the beauty that is in front of us. 

I drew the flowerboxes that are on our deck awhile ago. To me they are always beautiful whether it is a year where the flowers bloom like crazy or one like the year above when it was too hot for much to grow.  As I walk through the house I always take time to look outside and appreciate the color of the flowers, the green of the leaves, or once in awhile the beautiful butterfly that stops by to visit.  It's a simple thing to do but one that always gives me pleasure. Is there something that you do that reminds you just how special the day is?

  When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday's Special Moment of Gratitude

                                                                    What If

Wednesday I took a great painting class where we used water and pastels.  Before we began class the instructor had placed a small piece of paper on everyone's easel with the words "What if"  The class was built around the idea of just letting go and taking a chance.  We were given a step by step set of directions for using water with our pastels but we were also free to step back and say "what if"  and then do whatever came to mind.  Questions help with creativity.  They open the door to new images, new possibilities, new dreams. 

I like the question "What if"   I am finding that my answer is usually freeing.  I find that my answer is usually fun and it helps me realize that most things are not as serious as I tend to make them. 

This week I am grateful for a class that opened the door to not only a new way of painting but to a new question to help open the doors of life when I am stuck.  Getting stuck happens to all of us.  It may happen when we are writing or painting or almost completing a project.  It may come in our daily life or when we want to make a big change in the way we think or the way we do things.  Looking at all of the different possibilities and asking "What if" may be a simple but effective way of seeing things in a new light.  I am going to try it more often.  How about you? 

             Remember:  When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens.  Let it begin today.

 What if you joined Circle of Dreams which begins the last week of September?  Joining a like minded group of women to share your dreams and talents with can be just the thing to help you start something new, finish a project, or get in touch with who you are and what you want to do with your life now.  The circle will be small so we have time to really talk and share what we have accomplished each week.  I will also be sharing Kaizen-Muse Creativity strategies which I really find helpful in so many ways.  If you are interested in learning more about the group, please read the Circle of Dreams page or better yet contact me at

I am linking my post to Paint Party Friday.  I love visiting the artists each week.  I hope you will join us.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wednesday's Walk - Believe in yourself! Believe in your dream!

"How does one become a butterfly?" she asked pensively.  "You must want to fly so much that your are willing to give up being a caterpillar."  Trina Paulus, Writer

Is there something you have always wanted to do?  Are you ready to spread your wings and fly but something is holding you back?  Maybe it's that nagging voice in the back of your head  telling you that you don't have time or that you are not ready or that your idea  has been done before. But deep down inside you know that it is a good idea, that you can make the time, and that you are ready. You know that it is  time to open your wings and fly.  It's time to take that next step, to share your idea, and to let go of what is standing in your way of moving forward.  It's time to stop being a caterpillar and to become the beautiful butterfly that you were meant to be. 

The beautiful thing is that we all are meant to be a butterfly.  We all have something unique and special to share.  I would love to build a community where people feel free to share their ideas with one another.  A place where women of all ages can come to share their talents and their dreams with others who understand what it is like to be passionate about something yet a little scared of taking that next step.  I hope that you will help me to build this community.  Sharing your dreams and hopes with the world is scary.  It's normal to feel that way.  But the more we talk about who we are, what we do, and what we believe in, the easier it becomes to put yourself out in the world and say, "Look at me.  I am ready to fly  I worked hard, I didn't give up, and here I am in all of my splendor.  I believe in me!  I believe in my idea!  I believe in my talent!  I believe in my dreams! 

Today's coaching tip is to believe in yourself
.  Believe in your ideas, your talents, and your dreams.  We all have those negative little gremlins who show up from time to time.  Shoo them away and don't let them steal your dreams.  Become the beautiful butterfly you were meant to be.  Spread your wings and fly!

                            What dream would you like to share with the world today?

Remember:  When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday's Quote and Reflection

Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself."  Edmund Lee

Each week another Kaizen-Muse Creativity coach and I take an hour to coach each other.  Why would a creativity coach need a creativity coach you might ask?  Becuase as the quote above says we all need to surround ourselves with people who support us, who are there to ask the questions that help us find the answers to move forward with our dreams and who believe that we can do anything we set our minds to do because we can.  Can we do it alone?  I am sure most of the time we can.  But it is so much more fun to share what excites us with others who feel the same and who are there to support us  . 

This week I am going to a pastel workshop.  I am excited to be able to be in a room with people who love working with pastels as I do.  I am excited to see what they are doing and to share what I have learned. Several years ago I participated in Jamie Ridler's Circe Circle.  It was a wonderful experience.  Each week I shared my goals with seven women I had never met and we supported each other.  We talked, we laughed, we shared ideas, and most of all we listened.  Several years later we still support each other although we still have never met.  There have been books published, businesses started, moves made, and dreams fulfilled.  It is wonderful to know that there is always a group of women across the country and world cheering for your success. 

I am excited to be starting Circle of Dreams in September.  When I was consulting I did something similiar for teachers but now I want to reach out to women all over the world to help them make their dreams come true as someone else did for me.  When I saw the quote above I knew it is exactly what I hope to do.  I want to bring together a group of women who are dreamers and believers, who are both thinkers and doers.  I want everyone in the group to know that there are times when we can move forward with our plans at a rapid pace and there are times when we have to slow down and regroup.  There will be times when everything falls in place just as it should and times when nothing goes right.  There will be times to celebrate and times to take a deep breath and wait a little before taking the next tiny step forward.  Life is filled with all different experiences and having a group that believes in you and what you are trying to accomplish makes those experiences even more exciting.  It is amazing how talking on the phone with people you have never met for one hour a week can help what may be a fuzzy idea in your head become a reality.  It can help you to move forward on a dream or help you to realize that your ideas have changed and it is really a new dream that needs to unfold.

Circle of Dreams will begin the last week in September. There is a Circle of Dreams page which should answer most of your questions.  If you have any other questions or would like to chat about the circle or anything else for that matter, please email me at  I would love to talk to you. 

"You don't need diamonds to make your light shine brighter and brighter.  It comes from knowing who you are, what you love to do, and sharing your dreams and yourself with the world.  Then it is easy to sparkle."  Ginny 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Friday's Special Moment of Gratitude

Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.”                                                     ― John Maeda, The Laws of Simplicity: Design, Technology, Business,Life

For some reason it seems like the next few weeks are going to be really busy and could get complicated.  So I have decided to set an intention to simplify things for the month of August.  As a young girl I used to love to sit on the front porch and read during the summer.  The days were long and it seemed like everything slowed down.  Now, things still move at a fast pace if I let them. So this month I am going to slow down and let go of anything that is not necessary.  I am going to enjoy the sounds of the crickets and watch for lightening bugs. I am going to spend time with family and friends, enjoy my grandchildren, and paint a simple picture each day.  Before I add an activity to my day I am going to stop and ask myself, "Is this meaningful?  Will it make me laugh"  "Does it help someone else?"  "Will it make a difference in my life or the life of someone else?   "Does it sound like fun?"  If I can't answer yes to most or all of the questions, I not sure why I would need to add the activity to my day.  It should be interesting to see how the month goes when I take the time to analyze exactly how I spend my time.

Just closing my eyes and picturing a calm summer month filled with beautiful flowers, fresh fruits and vegetables, and cool evening breezes sounds perfect.  I know that life can't always be perfect but I do believe that I can continue to take tiny steps each day to create a life that is filled with simple but beautiful experiences.  I invite you to join me in creating and experiencing an old fashioned summer!

One thing that I will not change is my practice of sharing what I am grateful for each week. It is so easy to overlook all of the wonderful things that happen each day and this practice helps me not to do that.  My husband has a chronic lung disorder which he handles very well.  This week we went to a dinner for people who have Pulmonary Hypertension which is a rare disease. The room was filled with people of all ages who are fighting this disease and the complications that come with it.  The doctors came to discuss the disease and there was a patient who spoke about her experience.  Not that I am expert but most of what they said I have heard before.  But the thing that stands out in my mind was the wonderful attitude of everyone who was there. They laughed, they shared ideas as well as their personal strategies to make life easier.  They supported each other with their smiles, their stories and most of all their laughter.  It was a wonderful uplifting meeting and for that I am very grateful.

                     Each Friday I join the many artists at Paint Party Friday.  It is a perfect way to start the weekend.

                 When you share your talent and your dreams with the world magic happens.  Let the magic begin!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday's Special Moment of Gratitude - Recognizing A New Best Friend

The most adventurous journey to embark on; is the journey to yourself, the most exciting thing to discover; is who you really are, the most treasured pieces that you can find; are all the pieces of you, the most special portrait you can recognize; is the portrait of your soul.”                                                                                                                                         . JoyBell C.

I was reading a blog post just now about being your own teacher and having all of the answers inside of you.  I do believe that as we get to know ourselves better and better we will find the answers to the questions we have, if we give ourselves permission to be still and to be quiet. 

When I read the words be your own teacher for some reason the phrase "Be you own best friend" popped into my head.  Some days I do think I am my own best friend.  I try to take care of myself and make decisions that are best for me while not hurting anyone else.  It took a long long time to come to this point in life. But important things are worth waiting for and yes I should have listened to my mother who gave me this advice many years ago when I was a teenager. 

 What does being my own best friend mean to me?  It means really listening to what I need. It means living a life that is calm and peaceful. It is saying "yes" to things that are interesting and challenging and "no" to things that don't make sense to me now.  It is accepting that writing and painting are an important part of my life and making sure that I create time to do both each day.  It is remembering that exercise makes me feel not only stronger but gives me energy.  It is not being hard on myself when I reread something that I have written and published and then three days later finding not one but two or three or four mistakes.  I would tell my best friend it didn't matter, now I say those same words to me and really mean them.

 Being my own best friend means being there for me. It means taking care of me the same way I would take care of someone else.  It means having fun, laughing, and taking a deep breath when things get stressful.  It is reminding myself that life is filled with ups and downs and to learn from both. Most of all its recognizing that I'm not perfect and noone expects me to be.  I think I am going to like being my own best friend.  How about you - what does being your own best friend mean to you?

Each Friday I share something that I am grateful for.  This week I am grateful for the quiet moments which give me the time to reflect upon the kind of life I want to continue to create.  Each day is different and offers new opportunities and I am so grateful that I have slowed down enough to notice and appreciate them.

 Remember:  When you share your talents and gifts with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin.
I hope that you will take a minute to visit the artists at Paint Party Friday.  They are such a wonderful supportive group of people who I look forward to visiting each week.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wednesday's Walk - First Steps

"Take the first step in faith.  You don't have to see the whole staircase.  Just take the first step.
                                                                                                                       Martin Luther King Jr.
Each week I share a Kaizen-Muse coaching tip.  Over and over again I write about the importance of taking small steps but when I read this quote I realized that they are all important but it is often that very first small step that makes the biggest difference. It is the step that begins it all.  It is the first word of a story that turns into a book.  It is the first painting that is the beginning of a series of paintings.  It is the first cookie baked, the first song sung, the first time you put on your ballet slippers, or pick up a guitar that begins a journey that sometimes you cannot even imagine.

Today I am celebrating a friend who's book is being published soon.  She started this book many years ago and wrote and rewrote her wonderful story.  I was lucky enough to share part of the journey with her.  I am sure the first step was hard and I know that all of the many many times she took two steps forward only to take one step back were not always easy.  But I also know that she enjoyed the process and is incredibly excited about each first step she is taking now.  She is kind enough to share what is happening and the excitement in her voice and emails are so much fun to hear. 

Is there something that you have been thinking about doing?  Do you know what the first step might be?  What would happen if you took it?  Can you close your eyes and visualize how it would feel to take that step?  I'd love to hear about what first step you are dreaming of.

On another note this the last week of the Summer of Color challenge.  The colors this week are sepia and sage.  I started my landscape with these two colors and I found them to be very soothing.  I am sure they will find their way on to my canvas again.  I want to thank Kristin for hosting this challenge.  It was fun, it took me out of my comfort zone, and it was another first step.  I look forward to being part of this wonderful group again next summer.  Thank you again, Kristin.

  When you share your dreams and talent with the world, magic happens.  Let the magic begin. 

Circle of Dreams
will begin in September.  It is eight weeks of sharing your dreams, your ideas, and yourself with other women. I would love to have you join us.