Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wednesday's Walk

This week I took a walk through all of the pictures that I have taken this month in order to find the one that I wanted to link to Kat Sloma's monthly Photo-Heart Connection.  I look forward to linking a picture that I took during the month as well as looking at all of the beautiful and inspiring photographs taken by photographers from all over the world.

If I do say so myself, this was a rather unusual choice for a photograph to share but as I looked at all of the pictures I took this one seemed to speak to me the most.  It is a picture of a pastel that I painted this month.  I love to draw and paint and I have just recently fallen in love with pastels.  But when I look at something I have created I can be very critical of it.  If I look at the work of others, I always find something that I like about it and if I met the artist I would be sure to say something nice about their work before leaving. But I am not always so kind to myself.

So this picture is a reminder to me and to all of the other artists who also have a strong inner critic.  It is possible to learn and to grow and to stretch as an artist while still appreciating your own work.  I always say that I love the process and the journey but when I looked at this picture I realized how much fun it is to appreciate and enjoy the final product as well. 

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